Do you have a plan “B” for potential Rain on Your Wedding day
It doesn’t have to be the end of the world! Here’s what to if the weather decides to rain on your wedding day.
If you aren’t blessed with perfect weather on your wedding day, don’t let it be a downer!
You should still be able to get fantastic images. But planning is of the essence.
Firstly discuss all your photo options with your photographer, you need a contingency plan, what’s the back up? Its always best to have Plan B sorted before the wedding day, that way you are not wasting valuable photo time discussing what you should do on the day. I like to meet with couples about a month before the wedding and go through the timing and photo locations with all my brides and grooms.
Plan B is always discussed at this time, that way the couple can notify all those involved, such as cars and reception venue of alternative arrangements should they be required.
If it does rain on your wedding day we look at all possible options available to us. Is there a local hotel you can go to (often they require permission). Can you seek shelter under a bridge but still get water views and stay dry? Are there any picturesque buildings that you could use that would provide ample cover yet have sufficient light for photography? How about your reception venue? Would they allow you to arrive early and use the premises (don’t assume you can, they may well have a wedding before yours).
Don’t forget pubs/bars, and cafés are a pretty good back up options too.
Ask the car hire company if they supply umbrellas, (most do), they make for fantastic props. Or if you’re particular about the colour of umbrellas, purchase some for the big day.
Ask the photographer if they have an indoor studio you can use? We do, and have used it a number of times. On occasion just to even seek shelter for 30 odd minutes but to keep photographing. Giving couples a very big contrast and variety in their photos.
Remember time is of the essence on a wedding day. Don’t waste it by not being well prepared for your photo session. Your photographer should be able to guide you on the day, so make sure he/she discusses what to do if it rains on your wedding day……BEFORE the big day.
If you have any question about weather plans, feel free to contact us on 0447 400 074
Happy Planning!